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About Fortnite

Fortnite Battle Royale is a free-to-play, standalone mode of Epic Game’s Fortnite. The game offers players one giant map that will accommodate 100-player is an all-out PvP battle. Like the game it is spun off from, it also features the ability to build structures and a destructable environment. There’s also a battle bus.

Also like the main Fortnite game, Battle Royale is available on several platforms, including PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

Players of other battle royale style games will be able to jump into Fortnite Battle Royale easily. Similar to other games, players are dropped onto an island where they’re tasked with gathering weapons and supplies while eliminating the competition. To make things a bit more difficult, the map size will shrink over time — thanks to a storm — pushing players closer to each other and eliminating their ability to hide. Last man standing wins the battle.

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Additional Information

Please note this free-to-play game may or may not offer optional in-game purchases.



Epic Games
Epic Games
Release Date
September 26, 2017
Windows (Client)

Fortnite Screenshots

Minimum System Requirements (Windows)


Window 7 or later


4 GB


Not defined


Intel HD 4000


Core i3 2.4

Additional Notes

Specifications may change during development

All material on this page is copyrighted by ©Epic Games and their respective licensors. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

User Reviews

empang 9 months ago
cool game
rega 1 year ago
mohit.12 2 years ago
nice and oo same
iustin 3 years ago
why can't i play because i have epic games
mr gametime 4 years ago
amazing no other word
RSOliveira 4 years ago
Fortnite is a battle royale phenomenon no matter how far you slice it, evolving from an underwhelming third-person shooter into one of the biggest and most recognisable brands on the planet. Epic Games has achieved something truly special here, and I’m eager to watch its growth go even further. BUT hardly subtle when taking ideas from other games, Combat isn’t the genre’s strongest at all.
polothetom 4 years ago
This game needs a good computer capable of i7 and a 1T at least to run great but its a good game for people with deep pockets.
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