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Shop Titans

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  • 43%Popularity

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About Shop Titans

Get ready to build your own fantasy retail empire in Kabam Games’ Shop Titans. By “fantasy” we mean actual fantasy. This isn’t just a retail simulator. Instead, you’ll be building your own one of a kind shop where you’ll sell much-needed items – such as weapons, gear, potions, and the like – to adventurers ready to take on the most dangerous dungeons and creatures in the land.

But you won’t just be selling them items either. In Shop Titans, you’re responsible for designing and maintaining your own shop, making it the best it can be. As for your stock, you won’t just be ordering it. Instead, you will hand-craft your items, using material obtained by a crack crew of adventurers that you put together. Craft, upgrade, and enchant a variety of gear ranging from swords and shields to guns. Build your very own questing party from heroes in eighteen different classes. Equip them with the weapons you make and send them on their way to battle monsters and recover much needed crafting material.

In addition to running your own shop and procuring the materials needed to keep it afloat, you’ll also want to do some networking. Join a guild and build a city. Work together on in-game events. And don’t forget to play the market.

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Additional Information

Please note this free-to-play game may or may not offer optional in-game purchases.


Shop Titans

Kabam Games, Inc.
Kabam Games, Inc.
Release Date
May 05, 2020
Windows (Client)

Shop Titans Screenshots

Minimum System Requirements (Windows)


Windows 7




600 MB available space





Additional Notes

Specifications may change during development

All material on this page is copyrighted by ©Kabam Games, Inc. and their respective licensors. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

User Reviews

Cetawin 3 years ago
A really fun game that you can play at your own pace. It has in game purchases but they are not a must to continue increasing rank and play.
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